Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Inspiration #2: Video Edition

I don't know about you guys but I've been a little bit all over the place lately. Just yesterday I read a book that half way through had me dancing around singing. Yet by the end of it I was emotionally devastated. It took a lot of talking to myself encouragingly to get back to a state of homeostasis.

I needed to be grounded. Reminded whats important, what makes me happy. Thanks to these videos I found my center again, regained control and came out the other side refreshed.

This first video is the speech that Severn Suzuki gave at the UN Earth Summit in 1992. Isn't it amazing how a wise 12 year old can put everything in perspective? I wish I was as aware and passionate when I was her age.

My high school Sociology teacher played this Baz Luhrman video in class. I'll never forget sitting there and feeling the bubble of high school dissolving away to reveal the bigger picture. "Don't worry about the future. Or worry, knowing that worrying is as useless as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum." True. Life. I get chills every time I see this.

And lastly for those people who are in a creative slump (god knows I have one of those every week!). Elizabeth Gilbert does a great job of articulating those moment of genius we all have in our art. As well as the feeling that we can't always call on that genius or rely on it. "Show up for your job," she says. If that genius decides to make an appearance that's wonderful. If not, at least you worked on something you love. 

Are there any inspirational videos that you have stumbled upon lately? Or ones that you turn to again and again?


  1. Ray Bradbury talking to young writers. You can find it on YouTube or by googling it.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll be sure to look that up!

  2. "The race is long, and in the end, it's only with yourself." True, true. I need to remember that. Great videos!

    Also, the first one with the girl speaking at the summit made me think of something totally random. I've always been a hippie environmentalist, and when I was in first grade me and my friend wrote a letter to former President Clinton to save the whales! I think it was complete with our crayon drawings, too. I never did get a letter back :(

  3. Aw that is so awesome! Going with the random: have you ever seen Whale Wars on the Animal Channel? It makes me so upset (these are endangered whales that are being poached in international waters and no body is doing anything???) but it is also addicting :P

    1. I have not watched 'Whale Wars' before (if it's not free on Hulu, I don't watch it. I am SO CHEAP). OMG reality TV is addicting. I watch 'America's Next Top Model' with alarming regularity.
