About Me

My name is Megan and most of the world knows me as a (soon to be) 20 year old girl*. But since you are here I suppose we can get to know each other a little better...

I have lived in Green'nGold, Wisconsin my whole life and made the surprising decision to stay in the area for college. Surprising because I love to travel and dread the idea of living in Wisconsin my whole life. I love my school however, a small private college with the prettiest campus and nicest people. Currently I am double majoring in Psychology and English (with an emphasis in Creative Writing). My public plans after college are to go to graduate school for Counseling but my secret and hopeful dream is to write for a living.

If I could envision a perfect future for myself I would be living in an awesome city like Seattle (or San Francisco or Edinburgh or Chicago). Because I write novels for a living I get to work from home in sweat pants. This also allows me to spend more time with my corgis and bake and read voraciously.

*Wow. Look at that picture of me. That is what we call in the industry a candid. For some reason posed pictures of me never turn out this good. From now on I should have people flash-scare-photograph me. Hhmm, that could get interesting fast...

1 comment:

  1. Hello Megan!

    I have been following and enjoying your blog for a while now. Thanks for all the great posts! I am also a brand spanking new indie author promoting my Romantic Suspense novel, The Inadvertent Thief. From December 17-31, I will be promoting my novel with a blog tour and was wondering if you would be interested in participating.

    I could guest post, do a Q&A, cross promotion on my blog or whatever else would work for you. During this blog tour, my novel will be available for free download and I will also be doing an Amazon giveaway. If you are interested, let me know and I can give you all the specifics.

    I hope to hear from you soon.
